3 Reasons Why an FAQ is One of the Best Blogposts You Can Create
Your potential customers are constantly asking questions. Whether they’re interested in working with you, in the sales process, or actual clients, questions about you, process, logistics, and so on will always come up.
But here’s something you may not have thought about: if your potential and actual clients are asking you questions, there are countless others asking them online!
If you can be the resource that answers a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ), you’re that much better positioned to be exposed to a larger audience and inevitably bring on more customers.
For a number of reasons that you’ll soon learn, the FAQ makes for an excellent blogpost. So let’s just get right to those reasons, shall we?
1. Quick and easy
Start by thinking of a question that you get all the time from customers or potential customers.
For example, if you are in the hotel business, perhaps it’s “What are some fun things to do around this area?” or if you’re in the lumber business, maybe it’s “What do I need to build a ____________?”
Whether you’ve gotten the question ten or a ten thousand times, chances are not only that the answer is easy for you, but you’ve gotten quite good at answering it.
So what do you do? Why write a blogpost, of course.
Sit down and put your question and answer into a post. Again, since it’s an easy answer for you, you should have no trouble at all putting this kind of post together.
Want better SEO rankings for your blog?
Your blogpost titles can help you get them.
Your blogpost title is about 50% of your battle when it comes to both optimizing your blogpost and enticing searchers to click on it.
That’s the power of the title.
2. If customers are asking you, they’re asking online, too
The benefit of “giving” this information away? Your customers and potential customers are more than likely asking the same questions online, too.
Whether it’s through a search engine or social media, they’re searching away. Don’t you want to be the website or blog that answers their question and becomes the authority in their mind? Of course you do!
And remember, if you aren’t answering these questions online, someone is. And that someone could be your competition!
3. Your blogpost will be helpful down the road
Since often our FAQs may have long-winded answers, FAQ blogposts can be helpful so that you don’t have to repeat yourself.
For example, in the past, I’ve sent clients a link to a blogpost I’ve done when they have a question, explaining, “You know what? I actually wrote a blogpost about that recently! I’m going to share the link, as it has some screenshots that I think may help you!”
While this method may not be ideal for every business, your best (optimized) FAQ posts will also help with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) down the road as well.
Your post will always exist as a page and, as people continue to Google the question, you’ll continue to gain traffic to the post!
Want better SEO rankings for your blog?
Your blogpost titles can help you get them.
Your blogpost title is about 50% of your battle when it comes to both optimizing your blogpost and enticing searchers to click on it.
That’s the power of the title.
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