How to Guest Blog: 5 Steps for Beginner Guest Bloggers
You know you need more relevant incoming links to your website for better SEO exposure, but how do you get them?
Guest blogging is a wonderful way to get more incoming links. Plus, it’s beneficial both for the blog owner and the guest blogger.
Why, you ask?
Guest blogging is great for the blog owner because:
▷ Exposure to a new audience
▷ New content/voice
▷ No need to create content for the day!
Guest blogging is great for the guest blogger because:
▷ Exposure to a new audience
▷ Link back to your website
▷ You don’t need your own blog to be a blogger
Now that you know it’s beneficial for everyone, you’re ready to get started!

5 Guest Blogging Steps for Beginners
Guest blogging is very similar to blogging on your own blog.
The only difference? You’ll have to be a lot more strategic.
If you’re passionate about a subject, chances are you’ll enjoy writing about it. And when you write about what you love, people will love reading about it too.
If you already have a blog or business, you’ll likely have an idea of what you want to write about. Choose a niche topic and then start searching.
Surprisingly, the most difficult step as the guest blogger isn’t writing the post, it’s figuring out which blog to go after.
Here are some of your best resources:
Google Search
Start by doing basic searches; take your industry or niche search term and simply add “guest blogging” or “guest blog” after it.
Let’s say you’re a chef who specializes in organic cooking. You might want to search for “organic cooking guest blog.”
MyBlogGuest.com is a great way to connect and network with prospective guest blog owners.
Gather a list of several potential websites open to guest blogging. You’ll pitch to all of them, so you want to be prepared with ideas beforehand.
When it comes to the pitch you have two options:
1️⃣ Provide the blogger with ideas you can write after they choose the one they like. This is beneficial as you won’t need to do as much initial work, then potentially end up with no one biting.
2️⃣ Provide the blogger with a completed post that they can then use right away. This is beneficial as the blogger can immediately see your writing style and whether it’s a good fit for their blog.
Either way, you’ll also have to adhere to the blogger’s terms, which may specifically state which process they like to follow.
Don’t forget to spend time and do your due diligence with:
▷ Research the blog: learn what type of content they usually create, the audience they cater to, and even search for your post ideas to ensure they don’t have something similar yet
▷ Keyword research: what keywords and phrases make the most sense for the post idea(s), audience, and type of post you’re intending to create?
▷ Title best practices: follow good title (or headline) best practices to create something of interest for both the blogger and their audience

Need help with blog title best practices?
Here’s your one-stop shop.
Your blogpost title is about 50% of your battle when it comes to both optimizing your blogpost and enticing searchers to click on it.
That’s the power of the title.
Most blogs that allow guest blogposts have submission forms, along with entire pages devoted to the rules guest posts must adhere to.
Common rules might include:
▷ Final editorial edits – the owner of the blog maintains the right to edit any content as well as only agree to posting after reading the post
▷ Minimum + Maximum post length (e.g. 500 – 1,500 words)
▷ Maximum post links (e.g. 2 links total)
▷ Posts will be clearly marked as “guest posts”
▷ Unique posts – they cannot be copied from elsewhere online
Crafting the perfect initial email to the blog owner is key. Start by getting their attention so they don’t immediately scrap your email (your email subject is important here, too).
Then, compliment a recent blog post they published. This shows that you either a) regularly read their blog and understand their audience, or b) did your homework and read a number of posts on the blog.
Next, share the ideas or actual blogposts you put together. This will show the blogger you’re prepared and ready to go with content.
Finish by showing your other writing work (if applicable). This could either be a link to other posts you’ve done or an attached PDF of posts.
To stick with our organic chef example, here’s what a guest blogger might write to a blog owner:
Sample Guest Blogpost Email Request
To the brilliant minds behind ILoveOrganics.com,
As a chef, I’m a huge fan of your blog! I especially loved your recent post about “10 Easy Ways to Go Organic.”
I’m interested in guest blogging for you and have a number of post ideas that I believe would be perfect for your audience. They include: “How to Help Your Family Love Organic Food,” “The Truth About Organic Food: What Should You Really Be Buying Organic?” and “3 Easy Dinner Recipes You Wouldn’t Believe Are Organic!”
If you’d like to see more of my writing work, please visit my website at www.ollyorganics.com/blog.
Please let me know if you’re interested in partnering in a guest blogging opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you!
Olly of Olly Organics
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