keyword research

5 Steps to Find the Perfect Keywords for Your Business

You know you need to match the keywords on your website or blog with the keywords your ideal clients are searching for on Google.

But how do you find the right keywords?!

Keyword research is how you find the perfect keywords for your business.

Keyword research helps you understand which words people use when searching for information on your niche or topic. It also helps you determine whether those words will be relevant to your audience.

Let’s dive into the 5 steps to find the perfect keywords for your business.

5 Steps to Find the Perfect Keywords for Your Business


You already intuitively know what your customers are searching for. (You are the expert in your business, after all.)

So start by jotting down 15 – 20 keywords that you think your audience is searching for (or would be a good fit for you to be ranking for).

▷ Think problems (e.g. “no time to blog”)
▷ Think solutions (e.g. “blog copywriting services”)
▷ Think location (e.g. “web design services in [my location]”)
▷ Think FAQs (e.g. “how to decorate my toddler’s room”)
▷ Think content opportunities (e.g. “10 things you didn’t know about florida lawncare”)


If you have an existing website, the audit is one of the best places to start. An SEO audit will help give you an idea of how visitors are finding you now – and why they’re not.

The audit will also help identify which pages searchers are finding and whether they’re converting or not.

This invaluable information will undoubtedly help focus your keyword research efforts.

Need help with an SEO audit?


One of the best — and least used — ways to find the right keywords for your audience is… (drum roll, please!) your audience!

Talk to existing customers and friends, family, and acquaintances that fit a soulmate clients. You can ask them questions like:

▷ How would you find a business like mine?
▷What keywords would you type into Google if you’re looking for a business like mine?
▷ Where do you struggle with [your niche]?

Start incorporating the same language your target audience is searching for with the keywords you’re using on your website and blog, as well as other digital marketing efforts.


No, this isn’t a call to copy. In fact, you should use competitive research to ensure you’re doing things differently and better than the competition.

Simply get an idea of what your competition is doing: what keywords do they tend to use on their website or blog? Which ones are you missing?

You might find a keyword or two that slipped through the cracks during the rest of your research.


A keyword research tool is your last stop in the process because it’s going to take everything you’ve learned and either 1) confirm it, or 2) give you a better option.

Keyword research tools like Ubersuggest or Google Ads Keyword Planner are powerful ways to ensure you’re using the right keywords for your audience.

With data like average search volume and competition (or difficulty), you’ll quickly see what keyword opportunities make sense (and don’t make sense) for your audience.

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